Course Description
DESCRIPTION: OVERVIEW: This course is one of five sections of an overall Pulse Radio Training Curriculum. The total curriculum is designed to provide training to meet FAR 145.59 Ratings, Sub paragraph (d) section 3 Radio Class 3 - Radar equipment. An electronic system operated on radar or pulse radio frequency principles.
There are five overall sections that makeup the total Pulse Radio Curriculum:
Section 1- Weather Radar
Section 2- Transponder systems
Section 3 - Distance Measuring Equipment
Section 4 - Radio Altimeter Systems
Section 5 - Advanced radar systems of TCAS, GPWS, TWAS and ADS-B
Transponder Familiarization Course Content
The purpose of this course is to provide the technical training required for the initial and recurring technical training required by the FAA for FAR 145 and 121.
Section 1- Overview of the National airspace system. Starting with the origins of air navigation and air traffic control to the history of surveillance radar to how the airspace air traffic control system operates today to include Mode A/C and s to the ADS-B system required in January of 2020.
Overview of aircraft transponder installations in an aircraft. This section covers system components and controls to include instructions about how the system operates. This section covers cockpit controls and indications.
Section 2 - This section will cover the ground based radar message for the up-link format (UF) messages for transponder interrogations.
In this section we will cover the description of the Mode A, C and S signal for both the uplink and downlink formats.
This is section we will cover the operation and requirements for the new ADS-B mandate.
Section 3 - Transponder system testing and and aircraft certification. This section starts with a system operational test and then covers the system test and certification using FAR 43 appendix E and F.
We will learn to perform the certification for FAR 43 Appendix E and F with both ATC 600 ramp tester, a typical static system tester and a more modern system tester the IFR 6000.
Section 4 - Final exam- this section will test your knowledge of the course. The student will have access to a included E-book and the applicable Advisory Circulars and Federal Air Regulations.
Lead Instructor/ Author
Bruce Bessette
Course curriculum
Welcome to the Transponder Familiarization Course
Chapter 1 - The National Airspace System
Section A - Start of the Aviation Air Traffic Control System
Section B - Origins of Aircraft Transponders
Section - Ca Using the Transponder System (General Aviation)
Section - Cb Modern Glass and Air Carrier Transponder Operations
Chapter 2 - Transponder System Operations
Section A- The Radar Radio Signal
Section B - The Aircraft Downlink Data, Mode A and C
Section C -Mode S Transponder Data
Section D - ADS-B System Description
Chapter 3 - Certification and Rules
Chapter 3 Section A Transponder and Altitude Reporting
Chapter 3 Section B Performing the Appendix E Test
Chapter 3 Section C Performing the Appendix F Tests
Chapter 3 D -Testing Mode A, C and S with the IFR 6000 ramp tester.
Chapter 4 - Final Review and Test
Pulse Radio Principles Explainer
Transponder Familiarization End of Course Exam
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